Bucks beds and herts motorcycle meets

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Bucks beds and herts motorcycle meets
Bucks beds and herts motorcycle meets
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Hi from Hatfield,Herts

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Hi from Hatfield,Herts Empty Hi from Hatfield,Herts

Post  XxXkimXxX Tue Feb 19, 2013 5:03 am

Hi all i have just started riding again after 5 years (so shit again) Laughing live in Hatfield but from up north so don't know any other bikers and just found this site for herts , im riding a gsxr600 l1 she is amazing and love it to bits, but rides out alone are perry shit cos im a woman and get lost too easy haha anyhow hope to meet up with some like minded bikers and hopefully get out with people for rides.

Kim x


Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-02-19
Age : 41
Location : Hatfield

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